
My name is Taylor and I am currently in the Bachelor of Arts program at UFV, majoring in Psychology. Before I was sure on my possible career goal, I knew I just wanted to be able to help and make a difference in people’s lives. I have always been fascinated by the mind and wanted to understand it better and I think the best way to do that, is to help other’s understand theirs. This e-portfolio is intended for a future employer working in the field of psychology or mental health.

For many years now, I have been on my own journey to recognize and appreciate my own mind and mental health and I think this journey has been quite important in enhancing my abilities in helping myself and others. Through this process I have been able to now establish my future goals and just overall aid my personal growth.

Mission Statement 

I am at my best when I am passionate about what I’m doing. I am passionate about mental health and wellness for myself and others. I will be a person who makes others feel encouraged, inspired, safe, and whole.